Alcohol Dependence Symptoms
The dependency on alcohol is one of the biggest problems and a threat to mankind. If you have the craving or the dependency on alcohol, then you tend to have a strong desire to drink alcohol. There are number of symptoms which clearly indicate alcohol dependency.
These symptoms normally include a feeling of nausea, profuse sweating, loosing bowel control etc.Normally the symptoms last for five to seven days, but craving remains throughout their lives. Delirium tremens ('DTs') is the most severe affliction suffered by an alcoholic after he stops drinking.
It can occur from 72 to 96 hours after the last drink and normally occurs in 1 out of 20 people. It involves convulsions, and complications can develop. These are dehydration and other serious physical problems. Detoxification of an alcoholic is done by administering regular doses of medicine. This helps in prevention of extreme manifestation of the symptoms associated with withdrawal. Chlordiazepoxide is the medicine used during detox treatment. There should not be any drinking involved, while undergoing treatment for alcoholism. Family support or support from friends can be of great help. Some people tend to have some mild withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms appear a lot less, if you are taking the detoxification medication regularly. The medication used for the detox does not make one stop drinking. One needs to be determined to stop drinking.
The medicines simply help one to feel better until their body readjusts. Craving for alcohol may continue for a while, even after the treatment is discontinued. The alcohol consumption in different persons differs according to the individual. It all depends on their individual sensitivity. Alcohol does have some positive physiological effects. Alcohol is said to have some good effects. Intake of alcohol might result in the body producing HDL cholesterol. Moderate consumption might help in giving some protection from cardiac problems. Unregulated intake of alcohol can and will result in damage to the liver, lethargy, extreme mood swings and bouts of hyper activity and depression.At last, in my opinion, I am confident that regular physical exercise coupled with good nutrition and strong bonding relationships are much better health supporters and stress reducers. It is estimated that one out of 10 drinkers has an alcohol problem. The most worrisome factor is that more and more Teen agers are attracted to alcohol. An estimated 15-20 percent of teen agers are regular drinkers.
The future looks bleak, but one can always hope that with proper information and education, alcoholism can be handled.Looking for more information on Alcohol Detoxification?Try some of the other pages in this section: Alcohol And Drug DetoxificationAlcohol Detoxification AndAlcohol Detoxification AtAlcohol Detoxification At HomeAlcohol Detoxification CenterSubscribe to the Alcohol Detoxification Site
The dependency on alcohol is one of the biggest problems and a threat to mankind. If you have the craving or the dependency on alcohol, then you tend to have a strong desire to drink alcohol. There are number of symptoms which clearly indicate alcohol dependency.
These symptoms normally include a feeling of nausea, profuse sweating, loosing bowel control etc.Normally the symptoms last for five to seven days, but craving remains throughout their lives. Delirium tremens ('DTs') is the most severe affliction suffered by an alcoholic after he stops drinking.
It can occur from 72 to 96 hours after the last drink and normally occurs in 1 out of 20 people. It involves convulsions, and complications can develop. These are dehydration and other serious physical problems. Detoxification of an alcoholic is done by administering regular doses of medicine. This helps in prevention of extreme manifestation of the symptoms associated with withdrawal. Chlordiazepoxide is the medicine used during detox treatment. There should not be any drinking involved, while undergoing treatment for alcoholism. Family support or support from friends can be of great help. Some people tend to have some mild withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms appear a lot less, if you are taking the detoxification medication regularly. The medication used for the detox does not make one stop drinking. One needs to be determined to stop drinking.
The medicines simply help one to feel better until their body readjusts. Craving for alcohol may continue for a while, even after the treatment is discontinued. The alcohol consumption in different persons differs according to the individual. It all depends on their individual sensitivity. Alcohol does have some positive physiological effects. Alcohol is said to have some good effects. Intake of alcohol might result in the body producing HDL cholesterol. Moderate consumption might help in giving some protection from cardiac problems. Unregulated intake of alcohol can and will result in damage to the liver, lethargy, extreme mood swings and bouts of hyper activity and depression.At last, in my opinion, I am confident that regular physical exercise coupled with good nutrition and strong bonding relationships are much better health supporters and stress reducers. It is estimated that one out of 10 drinkers has an alcohol problem. The most worrisome factor is that more and more Teen agers are attracted to alcohol. An estimated 15-20 percent of teen agers are regular drinkers.
The future looks bleak, but one can always hope that with proper information and education, alcoholism can be handled.Looking for more information on Alcohol Detoxification?Try some of the other pages in this section: Alcohol And Drug DetoxificationAlcohol Detoxification AndAlcohol Detoxification AtAlcohol Detoxification At HomeAlcohol Detoxification CenterSubscribe to the Alcohol Detoxification Site