Friday, February 19, 2016

Alcohol Detox at Home

Home Alcohol Detox 
Considering the possibility of quitting,  when you are used to ending up with an empty bottle of tequila on a  daily basis, could be a little scary. Scarier is the thought of having  to go through all the withdrawal symptoms.When your normal physical functions  are starting to become dependent on the amount of alcohol you drink,  then you are in serious trouble. In fact, you might want to consider  seeking medical advice. However, if a medical detox could not be an  option, here are five helpful tips to get through withdrawal.
Stay Still 
You do not necessarily need to be on bed rest during the entire alcohol detox. You may move around  the house and stretch some muscles here and there. In fact, it is highly  recommended to move a little just so your body will not feel heavy. What is important is that a couch,  a bed, or anything you may fall on is always within reach. You must  always be prepared for when your body will fail you. Moreover, people  on detox are very prone to tonic-clonic seizures and you do not want  to be outside your house while on seizure. Bumping your head on something  hard could lead to a serious injury or even worse, death.
Always Be Around Someone
This tip is as important as tip  # 1. There are a lot of instances during your detox that imposes threat  or danger. One of which is choking over your own vomit and like what  was mentioned, a tonic-clonic seizure. People on this kind of seizure  should be around someone to have somebody protect his or her head from  injury. 
Be A Stone’s Throw Away from a Restroom
Two of the most common withdrawal symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. Being not near a restroom is a risk  you will have to take as you may find yourself soaked in your own vomit.  This is a bit too graphic but it is reality. It is also wise to keep a bucket  near your bed for instances that you will feel the urge to vomit while  sleeping. 
Load up on Water
This may be a cliché but  drinking tons of water while on detox is of equal importance to your  other detox regimens. Most alcoholics vomit a lot, thus leading to severe  dehydration. Dehydration will exacerbate the discomfort of detox. Furthermore,  not drinking a lot of water may cost you your life.
Splurge on Desserts 
This is probably the easiest one  to follow. It was discovered that chocolates is one of the key to a detoxification’s success. It does not eliminate the symptoms but chocolates are said to help release happy hormones thus, making you more comfortable.
  You will see what I mean when you try it. Follow those 5 simple tips in your  detox process and you will realize the difference.Those who are on  detox find it difficult to follow through because of the symptoms, these  tips will help you achieve your goal.
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