Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What is Alcohol dependence

What is Alcohol dependence
Alcohol dependence is a serious problem, not just in the United States, but around the world. In the US alone, it is estimated that approximately 17 million people have some kind of alcohol problem, although many people are not aware that they have a drinking problem, or are reluctant to admit it. If you are struggling or affected by alcohol in any way, shape or form, our counselors are available to talk 24 hours a day and provide you the help you need. Please call 800-303-2482 to speak with someone now.Those who are dependent on alcohol face a variety of health problems, as well as emotional issues, depression, detachment from family and friends and problems at work. In addition, alcohol abuse is incredibly costly; it is estimated that alcoholism and alcohol abuse costs between $40 billion and $60 billion each year. Of course, the cost in human terms is high as well, and every year thousands of people are injured and killed in alcohol-related driving accidents.There are various factors that can cause a dependency on alcohol, and contrary to popular belief it is not only the poor or poorly educated who have drinking problems. Those who earn more and who are better educated are more likely to drink to excess, and a fairly recent and alarming trend is an increase in the number of young people abusing alcohol. For many young people, heavy drinking is virtually a rite of passage and has come to be an acceptable thing to do. Alcohol, of course, plays a big part in most celebrations, weddings, parties and other social events, making it easy to develop dependence without even being aware of it. Many alcoholics have a family member who also abused alcohol while some have a mental condition causing them to drink. Of course, major life events such as job loss, divorce or the death of a loved one can also trigger a dependency on alcohol.Alcoholism was classed as a disease by the American Medical Association in 1991, and like most diseases it has symptoms that can help to identify it. Being able to recognize the signs of an alcohol dependence is important, and is a vital first step in effectively fighting the disease. If a family member or friend seems to be guilty about their drinking, drinks at unusual times such as early in the morning, or makes comments about having to cut down or give up drinking, these can all be clues.Hiding alcohol around the house, or worrying that there is not enough drink in the house can both be signs of alcohol addiction too. Many people who have a dependence on alcohol find that the quality of their work can suffer noticeably; they can also become short or irritable. Legal problems that recur that are due to alcohol, such as DUI convictions should also raise a red flag. There is also a fine line between abuse and dependency; in general someone who abuses alcohol is not physically dependent on it and is able to control their drinking, while someone dependent is unable to do so.For anyone who is dependent on alcohol, there are various solutions for treatment for available. Many people who have a mild drinking problem are able to make the effort themselves to stop drinking, especially if family and friends are understanding and encouraging. Of course, a person has to want to quit drinking; they also need to acknowledge that they have an alcohol dependency. Treatment can include various medications, counseling and therapy, all intended to address the immediate problem, but also to ensure that the participant stays alcohol-free.Most treatment also places an emphasis on education, ensuring that those dependent on alcohol understand the problems and risks that are associated with heavy drinking. Some programs are designed specifically to treat children, and there are also various alternative treatment methods, including acupuncture. Outpatient programs allow an alcoholic to receive treatment and help without the inconvenience of having to stay in a facility, whereas an inpatient program requires a stay of up to 90 days in a hospital or facility, receiving appropriate treatment.It is important to attempt to detect alcohol dependence in oneself or anyone you care about. Once one sees this, it is very important to look for help as soon as possible. It is usually not that simple, but that is highly recommended. There are many negative aspects to continuing on with alcohol dependence, which will most likely turn into full-blown alcoholism, and then statistically the individual is headed to one of four places.These places are recovery, or jails, institutions and death, and the choice is ultimately their and can’t be imposed. There is a plethora of help available for anyone struggling with alcohol abuse, and many willing people that will lend a hand either at a professional level or even in a 12 step program such as AA.
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